Tosca Interview Questions and Answers (Latest Tosca Interview Questions) – Part 2
August 13, 2018
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Latest Tosca Interview Questions and Answers (Latest Interview Questions) – Part 2
Welcome to this post!-“Tosca Interview Questions and Answers (Latest Tosca Interview Questions) – Part 2”
If you are looking for latest Tosca interview Questions, then you are at right place. This posts consists of some exhaustive questions which had been part of interviews. These questions covers various topics such as Tosca Execution Lists, linking execution list to requirement, business execution lists, components of execution lists, run logs or execution logs etc. These questions will give you extra knowledge over the subject as well as various perspective on how the questions have been asked. Most of the questions in this Tosca interview questions part 2 are practical. Go ahead and enjoy reading…
Interview Questions – Part 2 (Execution Section)
1. What all items are available in Execution Section?
Ans: The execution section contains the below important items:
- ExecutionLists
- BusinessExecutionLists
- ExploratoryTesting
- TestMandates
- Configurations (multiuser environment)
- TestEvents (multiuser environment)
Configurations and TestEvents are available in multiuser environments and are used for running ExecutionLists with distributed execution.
Below is the snapshot in single user environment:
Figure 1:Execution Sections Items
![Execution Sections Items](
2. Describe ExecutionLists in TOSCA?
Ans. Each TestCase is listed as an ExecutionEntry in the ExecutionList. TestCases can be grouped into ExecutionLists containing ExecutionEntries or ExecutionLists or their folders. Finally, ExecutionLists enable us to run our TestCases, to log the results of the test execution and reports can then generated.
3. How many types of ExecutionEntry folders exists?
Ans: There are two types of ExecutionEntry folders:
- Synchronous ExecutionEntry folders which are linked to TestCase folders. And for each change in TestCase can be updated to the linked ExecutionEntry by right clicking on ExecutionLists and selecting the option of “Synchronize”.
- Asynchronous ExecutionEntry folders are created manually. They don’t get an option of synchronize. Hence user has to do the updating himself.
Figure 2: Synchronous And Non-Synchronous ExecutionLists.
![Synchronous And Non-Synchronous ExecutionLists](
4. Can we map ExecutionLists to Requirements?
Ans: Yes, we can link our ExecutionLists to the specific requirement.
5. What all types of interpretation or test states are available post execution?
Ans: For each post execution entry execution, we get to see in our log that following states are visible:
- Passed
- No Result
- Failed
- Error
6. How many types of logs are available and where exactly can we locate them?
Ans: There are different Logs available post execution:
- ActualLog – contains all current execution results including their history. Specifically, each ExecutionList and TestMandate has an ActualLog with them.
- ExecutionLog – is generated with the option of “Archive actual ExecutionLog”. This means we want to archive all previous runs.
7. What is the purpose of UsedValue Property?
Ans: The values which tester uses as a data for some field into the TestStep can be seen on ExecutionList Column “Used Value “. For example a dynamic value which a tester used for some date will then actually appear as an actual used value in the Used value column.
8. How can you set the duration in seconds?
Ans: Following are the steps:
- Click on View Menu in TopMenu items of Commander,
- Click on ExecutionList in the View menu, &
- Select “Show duration in seconds” from the dropdown.
9. What are TestMandates?
Ans: Usually we have seen in banking, insurance, etc domain projects, we require certain batch to be run at specific time. This requirement can be fulfilled using the TestMandates. So, other testers can execute only parts of ExecutionLists simultaneously and without any dependency. Of course results are consolidated in ExecutionLists itself.
10. What is the purpose of Business ExecutionLists?
Ans: Using ExecutionLists we can link all the test cases but excluding results is no option. Hence using Business ExecutionLists we can include and/or exclude results and link them to RequirementSets later. Business ExecutionLists cannot be used for executing TestCases.
11. Does Tosca Supports Distributed Execution?
Ans: Yes, it supports with help of Tosca Distributed Server.
12. How Tosca does distributed execution?
Ans: User or Tester has to create TestEvents in Tosca commander. Once this is done he can then use option “Execute now” to send the request to Tosca Distribution Server, which then distributes the events on intended machines or virtual machines etc.
13. Does Tosca support Exploratory testing?
Ans: Yes, exploratory testing can be done using Commander and it is available in Execution Section.
14. Can we create ExecutionLists Configurations in Requirement Section?
Ans: Yes, we can create those configurations. If user has already associated or linked the ExecutionList the RequirementSet\s then also it can be assigned to an ExecutionList configuration.
I really hope you enjoyed reading the post. If you have any doubt on this please feel free to add your comment below.
And if you like to read more on TOSCA Interview Questions please follow below links:
Tosca Interview Questions – Part 1
Tosca Interview Questions – Part 2
Tosca Interview Questions – Part 3
Tosca Interview Questions – Part 4
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